The Shine a Light Men's Project offers workshops and discussion series featuring safe and open small group discussion for men guided by mindfulness practices developed by Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh.

Reflecting on the writings of prominent authors, we consider a variety of questions including: What does it mean to be a man in today’s multi-gendered world? Do the old stereotypes of manhood continue to serve us today? What does pop culture have to say about modern masculinity? If you were raised to be a man, how did that experience shape you? 

We believe a call to action by men, for men, is what is needed today. Men discussing among themselves the various challenges to masculinity so that their roles may be revised and re-affirmed, and positive life changes fostered.

Meetup Group

The Shine a Light Men's Project is on Meetup, the social organizing platform. The Meetup sessions are an introduction to men's work, and provide a convenient way for interested men to sign-up for a meeting. Meetup sessions are hosted on Zoom, and each focuses on a discrete topic of concern to men. Recommended readings are available on the Meetings page of this website. 


The Meetup group will resume January 2025, after taking a Fall/Winter break. Sign up anytime to check us out.

Sign-up for a meeting:

Contact us: email

Advanced Workshop:

Building Resilience with Mindfulness

Announcing a new advanced workshop for men. In this workshop, we will expand on issues first raised in the Meetup program and discover how to utilize this knowledge for the long term. "Building Resilience" is the ultimate goal for men seeking more balanced and integrated lives.


Enrollment for the workshop is strictly limited and will be capped at 10-12 individuals. Admission interviews will be arranged on a first come, first-served basis. If you are interested, please contact the coordinator.


This men's only workshop meets for six 90-minute sessions and features significant mindfulness training along with discussion of advanced topics pertaining to men. Admission is free, but donations to our nonprofit sponsor are welcome.


Mindfulness Practice

The Shine a Light Men's Project offers men's work programs within a mindfulness foundation. Men discuss among themselves their experiences in today's rapidly changing world. Mindfulness practice is incorporated into every session, and all points of view are welcome as long as they are not derogatory or hurtful. The mindfulness format helps us to open our minds and experience empathy and compassion toward all of our brothers and sisters. 


Mindfulness practice gives structure to the group, fosters respect, promotes safe dialog, and encourages meaningful interaction. It is also an important tool that helps us apply what we learn in the group to our everyday lives, relationships and the wider community.

Donations Gratefully Accepted

The Shine a Light Men's Project is sponsored by Joyful Mind Zen Community, a 501c(3) non-profit organization, Martine Taikai Palmiter, Guiding Teacher. Please consider offering financial support to help defray Men's Project costs related to the website, Meetup platform and the new Resilience Workshop. Suggested donations:

Resilience Workshop member: $50 or any amount

Meetup program participant: $25 or any amount

Vic Caldarola is the founder of the Shine a Light Men's Project and a trained facilitator.  He has completed graduate studies in psychology and communications (Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania). Much of his career involved working with returning citizens (aka ex-offenders), a branch of corrections known as "re-entry." Vic retired as a trainer and administrator for Maryland parole and probation agents. He is currently a writer for The Good Men Project and several Medium publications.


The Shine a Light Men's Project is affiliated with Joyful Mind Zendo Inc. of Rockville, Maryland, Martine Taikai Palmiter, Guiding Teacher. The Men's Project is an application of Engaged Zen principles to worldly problems. 




“No blame, no reasoning, no argument, just understanding. If you understand, and you show that you understand, you can love, and the situation will change.” 

                                                                                                          Thich Nhat Hanh